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Stem cells (a cell naturally produced in the body) have the amazing ability to develop into many different types of cells and are used to protect the body from injury and disease, making it possible for skin to renew and heal.

Nov 16, 2020 4:23:30 PM / by The Institute of Skin Science

What are stem cells and why are they so important? There is A LOT of talk going around about stem cells and their role in the skin care industry, but what makes them so special?

Stem cells (a cell naturally produced in the body) have the amazing ability to develop into many different types of cells and are used to protect the body from injury and disease, making it possible for skin to renew and heal.

Stem cells divide and either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a specific role, depending on what your body needs. For example: stem cells in the Basal Layer of the epidermis, regenerate the skin everyday by becoming skin cells which travel up through the layers of the epidermis to form or make up our skin! The body truly is amazing, right?

Products are made with either a special peptide, enzyme, or plant stem cell that, when applied to the skin, help to protect your own stem cells from damage or deterioration, while also stimulating your body to make more of your own stem cells. This protection and prevention helps to keep skin young and active, while slowing down the aging process. GlyMed Plus offers a plant-based stem cell product to help reverse and prevent aging in the skin! It’s called Stem Cell Power Serum.

Stem Cell Power Serum contains plant cell culture from the Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple that resets aging skin at the cellular level. It also contains powerful amino peptides to help stimulate new cell growth and reprogram aging skins fibroblasts to increase collagen production, which lifts and firms the skin. Not only does this powerful serum offer plant stem cells, but it also contains natural tyrosinase inhibitors to even the overall skin tone, and strong peptides to inhibit and relax muscle contractions to smooth fine lines and wrinkles in the skin.

The Stem Cell Power Serum is a must have for those who are serious about prevention and helping to slow the aging process.

If you have any questions and would like to speak to one of our friendly Master Aestheticians in your area please email

Stem Cells - What are they and why are t
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In 2020, we take extra precautions due to COVID-19, one of which is wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). PPEs like face masks, goggles, and gloves are worn over the skin and can create overheating that leads to sweating, combined with friction, equals a recipe for acne, rashes, and or irritation.

Oct 14, 2020 11:07:20 AM / by The Institute of Skin Science

In 2020, we take extra precautions due to COVID-19, one of which is wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). These materials protect us from head to toe: PPE can be face masks, face shields, goggles, gloves, and even protective gowns\bodysuits. Although these coverings are vital and essential for protection, they can also create some challenges for our skin. As Estheticians and skincare professionals, we saw a rise in our clients’ skin concerns from using PPE during the COVID-19 outbreak. Because of the rapid increase of mandatory PPE usage, face masks became unavailable, making many people resort to reusing and overusing their masks. This escalated the already existing side effects of PPE on the skin from bacteria, leading to more skin irritation and compromised barriers. PPEs like face masks, goggles, and gloves are worn over the skin and can create overheating that leads to sweating, combined with friction, equals a recipe for acne, rashes, and or irritation. Friction especially can lead to more exfoliation that naturally thins the skin; this leads to the loss of essential nutrients like water, ceramides, and lipids that causes skin dehydration. PPE has quickly become a daily part of our life for the last several months and will likely continue; this means that we need to evolve some of our practices in the treatment room, starting with our client consultations. Ask your clients about the type of PPE that they are wearing and how often they are worn; this will give us insight into the sensitivity of their skin. Depending on the type of PPE our clients are using, the side effects will vary from mild to advanced, e.g., anyone wearing an N95 or R95 mask will typically have more sensitive or compromised skin than someone who wears a silk or cloth mask. The N95 and R95 masks suction to the skin and create a strong seal, which means more pressure, indentation, and friction than a silk or cloth mask which lays on the skin. We also need to be aware of adjusting our treatments for clients with compromised barriers due to PPE. Chemicals peels, microneedling, and dermaplaning are ALL favorite treatments. However, with clients wearing PPEs frequently, and for long periods, their skin is more sensitive than usual. Remember that friction is increasing exfoliation in the skin, thinning it naturally, so it is best to err on the side of caution and look at the skin for signs and use the “Less is More” approach. Our newest addition to GlyMed Plus is one of the best products to recommend for PPE related issues. The CBD Power Balm acts as a second skin, filling in the lipid barrier to actively repair and prevent damage to the skin during PPE use. The CBD Power Balm can be used as a final step before the SPF application in the recommendations below. Combating skin issues due to PPE. Acne “Maskne” Pre-treatment Foaming Cleanser. Great to gently cleanse and calm skin while removing impurities and reducing inflammation. Skin Astringent #2. Spritz the inside of the mask to kill bacteria. Oxygen Deep Pore Cleanser. Gently but deeply cleans, kills bacteria, and reduces inflammation. Oxygen Treatment Cream. Increases healing, removes toxins, and reduces acne bacteria. Skin Medication #5. For inflammatory lesions gently spot treat with (1-2x a week max). Dehydration and texture Vitamin C Cleanser. Maintains the integrity of the skin while cleansing impurities. CBD-B3 Facial Mist. Gently increases hydration and reduces inflammation. CBD Booster. Balances and repairs. Ultra Hydro Gel + Cell Protection Serum. Repair the barrier and prevents the evaporation of essential nutrients. Ultra Hydrating Enzyme Masque. Removes build-up but also supply healing botanicals. (1-3x a week) Itchy, flaky skin Peptide Cleanser. Gently cleanses while supplying essential peptides for tissue repair. CBD-B3 Facial Mist. Gently increases hydration and reduces inflammation. CBD Booster. Balances and repairs. CBD Power Balm. As a final step before SPF to provide a protective layer, acting like a second skin! Reduces itch, inflammation, and strengthens the skin barrier. Sensitive, red and rashes Mega Purifying Cleanser. Great to gently cleanse and calm skin while removing impurities. CBD-B3 Facial Mist. Gently increases hydration and reduces inflammation. Fulvic Elixir + CBD Booster. Reduces redness, inflammation and provides antibacterial properties. Rosacea Relief. Reduces redness, capillary dilation, and repairs vascular damage associated with overheating. CBD Power Balm + Cell Protection Balm. As a final step before SPF to provide a protective layer, acting like a second skin! Reduces itch, inflammation, and strengthens the skin barrier. If you have any questions and would like to speak to one of our friendly Master Aestheticians in your area please email

Written by The Institute of Skin Science

Personal Protective Equipment & Skin
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Guys, let’s face it; you care about how you look. If you want to make a good impression, your skin is the first place to start. Here are a few tips that will help you look your very best and of course, make a lasting impression.

Nov 20, 2020 2:11:29 PM / by The Institute of Skin Science

Guys, let’s face it; you care about how you look. If you want to make a good impression, your skin is the first place to start. Before you start a men’s skincare regimen, it's important to find out your skin type: oily, acne, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun-damaged. Once your skin type has been determined, your next step is to pick the correct products and know how to use them. Here are a few tips that will help you look your very best and of course, make a lasting impression.

  1. Cleanse

If you don’t want to do anything else, cleansing your face is the single most important thing you can do. Search for a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick to it. If possible, stay away from bar soaps as they will dehydrate and dry out your skin. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a foam/gel cleanser if you have oily skin.

  1. Exfoliate

In order to remove dead skin cells and debris, exfoliation is a must. Moreover, it stimulates circulation to add a healthy glow to your skin. A recent study proves that one of the reasons men’s skin looks more youthful than women’s is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave.

  1. Shave

Hair growth in men is fairly regular. There’s no need to shave daily. But whenever you do, choose a good razor and a shaving gel or cream that yields a close shave, kills bacteria, softens follicles and leaves the skin feeling smooth. Avoid using any shaving products that contain alcohol and parabens as they strip natural oils from the skin, leaving it dry and irritated.

  1. Moisturize

Men’s skin tends to be oiler than women and they also wrinkle just as quickly. A light moisturizer and a nourishing cream can do wonders. If shaving irritates your skin, try moisturizing your skin after a shave and before going to bed. A good moisturizer includes quality ingredients that do not clog your pores.

  1. Protect

Sunscreen is the most important part of skincare regime to help prevent pre-mature wrinkles, sun damage, sagging skin and most importantly, skin cancer. Sunscreen only works if you use it properly. Make sure you apply a liberal amount to the face and other exposed areas of the body and apply at least 20 minutes before you are exposed. If you plan to stay outdoors for longer or are sweating or swimming, be sure to reapply every two hours. It is beneficial to see a professional skin care specialist to determine your specific skin type, routine maintenance, and services focused on specific skin conditions. They can also recommend good-quality, professional skin care products that will keep your skin looking healthier and younger. Skincare is not just for women. If you have any questions and would like to speak to one of our friendly Master Aestheticians in your area please email

Written by The Institute of Skin Science

Men's Skin Care Tips
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