Keep Up Virtually
We will discuss how to utilize this technology, the power of education, creating smart goals, utilizing your tools, making yourself stand out, and the proper follow-through to reconnect with your clients after a time.
Tips and tricks to retailing virtually!
The way of retailing to your clients has been progressively changing the last few years and we want to make sure you are provided with the tools that you need to keep up with the trends. Especially this previous year, we’ve seen it move away from retailing in-person to selling products online. Utilize technology, the power of education, creating smart goals, utilizing your tools, making yourself stand out, and the proper follow-through to reconnect with your clients after a time.
First, as licensed Aestheticians, you have a secret weapon you should be utilizing to your benefit: your education and knowledge. In school, we are taught to navigate ingredients to plan treatments and homecare that best fit our clients’ needs. This same principle can be applied when it comes to online retailing. If you are seeing them in the treatment room, you can start this process there. Otherwise, you can hold a virtual consultation to assess what they need or are looking to tackle with their skin from afar. Once you are able to get to know their needs, you start to gain their trust which gives you a bigger potential to keep them as a long-term client.
Secondly, make sure you are setting goals and utilizing the tools that you have available. We have several ways to help support your retail store to be successful. You can be listed under our pro finder, promote yourself on social media using our images, videos, or other content. Social media can be a time to be yourself and your brand and share that with your clients along with new potential clients. We suggest that you start by educating your clients on your go-to products and why you love them. This will get them excited to learn more and grow with you. It is really easy to get intimidated with setting up a skincare routine or helping with an issue someone is having with their skin. The simpler you make it for them to understand, the better it will be perceived.
You can get started by
Introduce yourself on social media.
Talk about what got you in to your field as it will help bring a connection to your clients.
Repost infographics or our videos with topics that you want to focus on.
Create your own content, whether that be before and after's, filming a treatment, talking about a skin condition or product.
Lastly, the best thing you can do in a virtual world is to make a schedule for follow-up with your clients. This way you are able to touch base with your clients and get them the information, products, advice that they need that they might not always know how or when to ask for.