It’s estimated that 80% of people between the ages of 11-30 have experienced an acne breakout at some point. Acne is a disorder that affects the skin’s oil glands and hair follicles (pores) and is a result of a buildup of bacteria, dead skin cells and excess oil that gets trapped in the follicle, creating an acne lesion.
This article is not meant to be used for diagnosis or serve as treatment. A consultation should be performed by your physician if you have concerns with hormone imbalances.
We’ve all experienced an acne breakout in our life — some more than others — and we all can agree that Acne is a frustrating condition. In fact, it’s estimated that 80% of people between the ages of 11-30 have experienced an acne breakout at some point.
Acne is a disorder that affects the skin’s oil glands and hair follicles (pores) and is a result of a buildup of bacteria, dead skin cells and excess oil that gets trapped in the follicle, creating an acne lesion. This condition is most prominent on the face but can affect the body as well — areas like the neck, back, chest, and shoulders can all be affected.
Acne is often generalized into two groups: Teenage Acne & Adult/Hormonal Acne. These terms typically describe the type and time period that a person is experiencing acne in their life. Currently, doctors don’t understand the exact difference in acne caused as a teenager vs an adult but we do know that hormones play an important role. Acne is generally created anytime hormone changes or imbalances take place.
As teenagers, hormones are fluctuating and maturing as puberty takes place and this affects the entire body's endocrine system. This can be a tricky time because these changes can continue to take place over the next 5-10 years until the system has matured.
As adults, our endocrine system matures, but hormones are very sensitive to their environment and can be easily disrupted. Hormones fluctuate in response to things like inflammation, stress, medications, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, environmental aggravators, and even diet.
Hormonal Acne Lesion
Hormonal acne is swollen lesions known as papules, pustules, cysts and are located on the lower half of the face, areas such as the jawline, chin, and neck. These acne lesions appear periodically and are inflamed and tender to the touch.

It’s best to calm the inflammation surrounding the lesion when caring for Hormonal Acne in addition to the 3 main triggers (Oil, Bacteria and Dead Skin). The follicle is clogged and creating inflammation that's leaving the area very sensitive and tender. Look for ingredients that help to OXYGENATE the follicle, killing the bacteria and ingredients that reduce the inflammation. Helping to eliminate the 3 Main triggers will help to keep the follicle clean and reduce the chances of breakouts Our Favorite Ingredients include:
Benzoyl Peroxide
Salicylic Acid
Fulvic Acid
Aloe Vera
Tea Tree
Icing the area is also very effective as it will help to calm, soothe and reduce inflammation.
If you have any questions and would like to speak to one of our friendly Master Aestheticians in your area, please email
Adult- Hormonal Acne.pdf
Hormonal Acne CBD Treatment.pdf
Written by The Institute of Skin Science